Friday, March 5, 2010

Mansion of Manny Villar? Corruption Scandal Online

I received this from my email just last week. The pictures below are allegedly the images of Manny Villar's residence in the US, although a friend did mention they are the same pictures of Robert Mugabe's residence (President of Zimbabwe also accused of graft and corruption)

Rich living area

Huge swimming pool

Grand dining area

Even the bathroom is lavish

With a bedroom even bigger than our whole apartment

This mansion is said to be in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. I'm pretty sure the mansion is real but if it belongs to Manny Villar or Robert Mugabe, nobody can really know. What I know is that Manny Villar promotes himself as one who intends to end poverty in the nation and these images are considered proof versus his lavish lifestyle that contradicts his political platform.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

From a recent article concerning Manny Villar being a humble and simple man, it is hard to believe that this residence could be his, unless this article depicts his humbleness to the nth degree. Why would a man so concerned about the Filipino poverty live a lavish life such as this? Is this truly a man you would want to have as your next president? I have also read in various medias that Mr. Villar is also purchasing land without the farmers' knowledge, and when they find out, thus depriving them of their livelihood. If the media is correct in reporting these items, then the question is, "Is this the humble and simple man you want to have as your next president?"